To upload your planner to an Android device, you can follow these steps:
How to upload your digital planner to your iPad
Here is a step-by-step guide on how to upload your digital planner to your iPad: Please also find a video explaining this and how to use your planner on your iPad.
Choose a note-taking app: There are several note-taking apps available for iPad, such as GoodNotes, Notability, and Noteshelf. Choose the one that you prefer and download it from the App Store.
Choose a note-taking app: There are several note-taking apps available for iPad, such as GoodNotes, Notability, and Noteshelf. Choose the one that you prefer and download it from the App Store.
How to upload your digital planner to Supernote
To upload your planner to SuperNote, you can follow these steps or you can watch a full video below on how to upload your planner and how to use your planner on Supernote.
Log into your SuperNote account.
Obtain your PDF planner file. Your digital planner can be purchased at the store USA STORE or UK STORE
Navigate to the upload section in SuperNote.
Click on the option to upload a file.
Select your PDF planner file from your device's storage.
Wait for the upload process to complete.
Once the upload is finished, your planner will be available in SuperNote for you to use.
What is a digital planner and how do you use it?
What is a Digital Planner?
A digital planner, much like its paper counterpart, is an electronic tool designed to organize and manage schedules, tasks, goals, and more. It is usually a PDF file, that is designed to be used on an iPad or tablet using PDF readers like Goodnotes, Noteshelf, Xodo, Notability or Onenote.
How to upload your Planner to Remarkable 2
Your digital planner can be imported by using the ReMarkable apps for mobile, the desktop app, or by using a USB cable. You can also import files to your reMarkable via
Simply log in to your account and import files from your web browser to your reMarkable by dragging and dropping.
When you first receive your reMarkable, you create an account at and log in to pair your reMarkable to their cloud service and download their apps.
How to Programme the Subconscious Mind for Entrepreneurial Success
As entrepreneurs, we often find ourselves caught in a whirlwind of deadlines, decision-making, and the pressures of building a business. Amidst this chaos, it becomes essential to centre ourselves, and one powerful way to do this is by setting intentions in the morning and at night for the upcoming day. In this post, we explore the significance of this practice, its effectiveness in programming the subconscious mind, and the power of the words we speak to ourselves.
Your Overwhelm is Your Superpower!
We’ve all experienced it. That moment when we feel swallowed by our to-do list, bombarded by tasks and ideas, and seemingly stuck in a whirlpool of demands.
Overwhelm: it’s a word that resonates with many business owners and entrepreneurs, especially those wearing multiple hats in their businesses. We see it negatively but let’s turn that on its head. Have you ever stopped to consider that feeling overwhelmed might actually be a testament to your innovative spirit, your creativity, and your drive to succeed?
How to conquer overwhelm and find clarity with mind-mapping
Feeling overwhelmed is a common experience, especially when dealing with the complexities of business and life.
Before you jump to pen and paper and start planning and writing your to do list, have you ever considered mind-mapping? Here’s the thing, when we think about planning, we often envision a linear process—a step-by-step roadmap leading us from point A to point B.
However, life is far more intricate and unpredictable than that. It presents us with unexpected challenges, fleeting opportunities, and shifting priorities. Recognizing this inherent nonlinearity is the first step towards developing a mindset that embraces flexibility and adaptability.
Unleashing Productivity: The Power of Sleep and Its Evidence-Based Impact
Unleashing Productivity: The Power of Sleep and Its Evidence-Based Impact
Introduction: In our fast-paced, productivity-driven world, it's common to sacrifice sleep in favor of getting more done. However, research shows that prioritizing quality sleep is not only crucial for our overall well-being but also a key factor in maximizing productivity. In this article, we will delve into the power of sleep and explore the evidence that supports its profound impact on our cognitive function, creativity, decision-making abilities, and overall productivity.
Small Shifts, Big Differences: Discover the Power of Tiny Changes! ✨🚀"
Sometimes, we underestimate the impact of small adjustments in our daily routines. But it's these subtle shifts that can have a ripple effect on our overall well-being, productivity, and happiness.
Think about it: What small change can you introduce into your life that will make a big difference? It could be as simple as waking up 15 minutes earlier ⏰, practicing gratitude 🙏, or dedicating a few moments each day to self-care. 🌼
How to stop feeling overwhelmed
How to stop feeling overwhelmed
One of the most prevalent reasons I hear for people wanting to use use a planner is to help overcome feelings of feelings overwhelm.
People may feel overwhelmed in their business and life for a variety of reasons, such as having too much work to do, feeling like they are not making enough progress, or feeling like they are not good enough. Additionally, people may also feel overwhelmed due to personal issues such as financial problems, relationship issues, or health problems.
How to Write a Business Plan
Whatever type of business you have or are planning, being prepared and ready with plans and goals in place will help you start the year, motivated and ready to go with confidence and purpose. It’s never too late to start planning. Even if you already have a business, it’s essential to write a plan every year as things are constantly changing. There are always new opportunities or threats that will affect your business and you need to be ready for these.
How to boost your productivity even more with a free Personal Assistant!
Wouldn’t it be great to have someone to help out with all these tasks like answering emails, writing content for your website or numerous other things that can take up a load of time?
But what if I told you that you can have a Personal Assistant for free? I am talking about someone who is a good writer, a good researcher and has a ton of other skills too.
You guessed it, yes Chat GPT.
You may already be familiar with Chat GPT and its capabilities, This article is all about sharing some fresh and innovative ideas that you might not have considered yet and give your business that extra boost it deserves!
How to overcome Procrastination by Harnessing the Power of the 5-Minute Rule
Procrastination is a common challenge that many of us face. We find ourselves avoiding tasks and activities, hindered by resistance and fear. However, there is a simple yet powerful strategy that can help break through the barriers of procrastination—the 5-Minute Rule. In this blog post, we will explore the roots of procrastination in resistance and fear, and how the 5-Minute Rule can serve as a solution to overcome these obstacles and boost productivity.
Unleash Your Productivity: Mastering the Art of Deep Work
Welcome to the world of deep work, where productivity soars and remarkable achievements are born! In a world brimming with distractions and constant interruptions, deep work is a powerful antidote that empowers you to dive into focused, uninterrupted work and unlock your true potential. But what exactly is deep work?
Deep work, coined by productivity expert Cal Newport, refers to those dedicated periods of time where you immerse yourself in concentrated, undisturbed work on cognitively demanding tasks. It's a state of flow where you enter a realm of heightened focus, clarity, and productivity. In this magical zone, you eliminate the noise and immerse yourself in tasks that require your full attention and cognitive capabilities.
How to set your goals for 2023?
Ready, Steady, Goal!
Setting goals is essential for achieving success in any area of your life. It gives you direction and motivation, helps you stay focused, and allows you to measure your progress. By setting clear and specific goals, you can break down your larger vision into smaller, more manageable tasks and take action towards achieving them.
But setting goals is about more than just making a list of things you want to accomplish. It's about creating a roadmap for your future and committing to the hard work and dedication it takes to get there. It's about challenging yourself to be the best version of yourself and striving for excellence in all areas of your life.
How to Visualize for Success in 2023
As we move into the new year, it's the perfect time to reflect and start thinking about how we can be successful in both our personal and professional lives in 2023. One key to success that many successful entrepreneurs have in common is the ability to create a clear vision for themselves and their businesses.
Having a vision helps us stay focused and motivated as we work towards our goals. It gives us a roadmap to follow, and helps us make decisions and take actions that are aligned with our overall objectives.
What is your WHY and Why is it so important to find it?
As the new year approaches it's time to start thinking about what you want your life to look like in 2023 and setting goals. But in order to do that effectively with intention and purpose it's important to find out what your why is first,
Finding your "why" – your purpose or the reason you do what you do – is important because it gives you direction and motivation. It helps you make decisions, set goals, and pursue your passions. When you know your why, you are more likely to be fulfilled and satisfied with your life.
How to use Time Boxing to increase your productivity
How to Write a Business Plan for a small Business
We may be well into 2023 but it is never too late to write a business plan.
Whatever type of business you have or are planning, being prepared with plans and goals in place will help you start off with a clear road map, motivated and ready to go with confidence and purpose.
I am sure you have heard the quote by Benjamin Franklin “if you fail to plan you are planning to fail” Well sadly it is true. According to The Small Business Association ( SBA) 30% of new businesses fail during the first two years of being open, 50% during the first five years and 66% during the first 10. Around only 25% make it to 15 years or more.
One of the main reasons for these disappointing figures is business planning problems. Another major factor is not investigating the market which I consider to be a major part of planning for a new business anyway.
This is such a shame because although planning may seem like a somewhat daunting task, it can be the deciding factor between success and failure.