We’ve already had some video Planner reviews for the 2022 Business Planner. We will keep adding them as we get more and more.
1. My PA Planner: The BEST Planner for Running and Organizing Your Business
MY PA 2022 Business Planner for Entrepreneurs
We’ve already had some video Planner reviews for the 2022 Business Planner. We will keep adding them as we get more and more.
1. My PA Planner: The BEST Planner for Running and Organizing Your Business
MY PA 2022 Business Planner for Entrepreneurs
Time is the most valuable resource you have. It can not be saved, accumulated, it’s not renewable and neither can it be stopped. Once it passes it’s gone forever and can never be recuperated.
And yet people still waste it and let it pass without doing the things they want or dream of. They look at some magical time in the future as if one day the planets are suddenly going to align and it will be the right time to start a new business, pastime or activity. Or they repeatedly tell themselves they don't have time. Not stopping to realise that if they don't have the time, then what are they spending it on that's ultimately stopping them from living their best life.
Using time unproductively can cause so much stress, frustration and anxiety. Always feeling like you are running against time and can’t quite catch time are common feelings of people who have big dreams and plans but just can’t get a handle on their time management. There is nothing worse than getting to the end of the week and feeling that you haven’t achieved anywhere near what you would have liked to have.
Your level of success, happiness and the quality of your life is directly correlated to how you use these three resources.
These three resources have the power to get you what you want and where you want. Once you know how to use them to your best advantage you’ll be unstoppable.
You could have all the money in the world but still if you don’t know how to use these resources you could still be unfulfilled or unhappy.So what are they?
We are so excited because we are now launching our fully interactive 2022 digital business Planner and Academic year digital Planner
We love our paper planners here. Personally, we love the feeling of pen gliding over the fresh new paper pages and so it seems, do the majority of our customers. However, we have also had emails and messages from many disappointed that we did not do a fully interactive digital version. They love the idea of our planner but they love their tech more!
We are so excited because we have at last launched our fully interactive digital business Planner.
We love our paper planners here. Personally, I love the feeling of pen gliding over the fresh new paper and so it seems to the majority of our customers d as well! However, we have also had emails and messages from many who are disappointed that we have offered a fully interactive digital version. They love the idea of our planner but they love their tech more!
There are million things we could be doing but it’s Here are some great tips for adopting a Productivity Mindset
“Your work is going to fill a large part of your life, and the only way to be truly satisfied is to do what you believe is great work. And the only way to do great work is to love what you do. If you haven't found it yet, keep looking. Don't settle. As with all matters of the heart, you'll know when you find it. And, like any great relationship, it just gets better and better as the years roll on.” Steve Jobs
Progress not perfection
With only just over a few months left of 2021, it’s a great time now to start thinking and planning for 2022
Whatever type of business you have or are planning, being prepared and ready for the New Year with plans and goals in place will help you start the year, motivated and ready to go with confidence and purpose.
I am sure you have heard the quote by Benjamin Franklin “if you fail to plan you are planning to fail” Well sadly it is true. According to The Small Business Association ( SBA) 30% of new businesses fail during the first two years of being open, 50% during the first five years and 66% during the first 10. Around only 25% make it to 15 years or more.
Trying to remember things in our head just creates stress, disorder and chaos. The actual acting of Writing things down enables a higher level of thinking, and therefore, more focused action. When your brain isn't busy remembering everything, your brain can then process anything. It's when you're not overwhelmed that you become free to rational, prioritoise and create order.
Being productive and achieving the level of success you are looking for takes continual consistent action. Reading a quote or a mantra can help us to stay focused on important things that are going to drive us closer to success. Productivity quotes and affirmations are a brilliant way to start the day and help us to remain positive and productive.
These quotes are taken from famous people who have already achieved so much.
Procrastinating! Yes most of us do it, well 95% of us anyway. Maybe we delayed revising for an exam or put off an assignment or project. As we get older other tasks like monthly accounts or the yearly tax return are common tasks many of us put off and it’s no wonder you can’t get through to the tex office on January 31st.
The current world situation has brought us new circumstances to deal with but also many new opportunities. One being the opportunity to start a new business.
Whether you are thinking of starting a new business full-time or starting a small business to supplement your income then creating a business plan is an essential first step in starting your new business.
Unfortunately, only around 50% make it to the five-year mark and 30% of startups still fail in the first two years of opening. (SBA The Small Business Association) One of the main reasons given for the high failure rates is that people fail to plan and investigate the market.
When people start businesses they are often are overwhelmed by new ideas and opportunities and much time is spent going around in circles and being led away from the really important things. This is why planning is so important.
“We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence is not an act but a habit.” - Aristotle
We often think of success as a result of one huge event in our life or one ginormous result. In fact, it’s the small habits we do every day that take us to where we want to go.
When I originally had the idea of writing my books, all those years ago. I never thought in a million years I would end up writing a series of best-selling books. But I did and it was all down to taking the first step and then taking that repeated action every single day.
Every day I would wake up at 6. I would research and write until 12.30 PM and then go off to my spin class. This was my habit. I did that for 2 years until I finished the series. I loved this habit, it gave me confidence and security. As I got into this habit, more and more I believed that I would finish the books. There was no panic or doubt or worry. I just plodded on every day and enjoyed the process.
Never has there been a more important time to keep a healthy work-life balance.
This pandemic has thrown many of us into unchartered territory and one thing's for sure this pandemic is going anywhere soon! Many of us are used to working from home but for the vast majority of us, this is a new challenge and according to some experts it looks like within the next 5 years 50% of us will be working from home. Finding a balance between working and our personal life is going to be even more important.
If you are a professional time blocker then you'll know that out of all the productivity hacks Time Blocking has to be one of the most powerful!
Time blocking will help you make the best use of time, stay focused and achieve the big things you need to do to grow your business. You see we all have the same 24 hours, it's how we use that time that will be the determining factor in how successful we are.
Was such fun being interviewed by Lisa Malcolm for her podcast, A Kick in the Yes. Lisa is a podcasting natural. We may all be different in so many ways but have you ever thought? We still have the same 24 hours. So how can we make the most use of our time and be more productive, more focused and more organised. Here are 20 tips to help you in 2022
You can tune in and find out the 20 planning tips for 2022 and how to create your roadmap to success! https://www.kickintheyes.com/post/how-to-plan-for-success
With only just over a few months left of 2019 it’s a great time now to start thinking and planning for 2020.
Whatever type of business you have or are planning, being prepared and ready for the New Year with plans and goals in place will help you start the year, motivated and ready to go with confidence and purpose.
I am sure you have heard the quote by Benjamin Franklin “if you fail to plan you are planning to fail” Well sadly it is true. According to The Small Business Association ( SBA) 30% of new businesses fail during the first two years of being open, 50% during the first five years and 66% during the first 10. Around only 25% make it to 15 years or more.
Have you ever felt completely overwhelmed? Do you feel you just don’t know what to do next? You’re trying to do two or even three things at the same time, you're drowning under a mound of half-done projects and tasks and you just feel like you are running around in circles. Inside you feel hopeless, stressed and anxious.